County | School |
Election |
Prop. |
Architect |
Result |
Vote |
Amount |
ALLEGAN COUNTY | Plainwell Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | GMB | Failed | 4,001/4,563 | $39,835,000 | |
Additions to school buildings; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; and erecting, equipping, furnishing, preparing, developing, and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, and sites. | ||||||||
CALHOUN COUNTY | Marshall Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 5,003/6,316 | $53,180,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new elementary school building within the territory of the former Albion Public Schools school district; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings, including a secure vestibule addition at Hughes Elementary School; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including adding air conditioning to Gordon Elementary School and Marshall Middle School; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds and sites. | ||||||||
CALHOUN COUNTY | Marshall Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 2 | Kingscott | Failed | 4,742/6,545 | $37,065,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to Marshall High School; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping an FFA barn and structures; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for Marshall High School and the FFA barn; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping athletic fields, athletic facilities, and the High School site. | ||||||||
CHIPPEWA COUNTY | Sault Ste. Marie Area Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Cornerstone Architechts | Failed | 3,376/5,904 | $43,615,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new elementary school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for the new elementary school building; demolishing Washington and Lincoln elementary school buildings; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds and sites. | ||||||||
DICKINSON COUNTY | Norway-Vulcan Area Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | OHM - Orchard, Hiltz and McCliment | Passed | 1,774/1,108 | $10,000,000 | |
Partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for the school building; and preparing, developing, remodeling, and improving the running track, the bleachers, and the site. | ||||||||
GENESEE COUNTY | Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | THA | Passed | 8,538/4,428 | $65,200,000 | |
Erecting, remodeling, and equipping or reequipping school buildings, including structures, athletic fields, playgrounds, or other facilities, or parts of or additions to those facilities; furnishing or refurnishing remodeled school buildings; preparing, developing, or improving sites, or parts of or additions to sites, for school buildings, including structures, athletic fields, playgrounds, or other facilities; purchasing school buses; and acquiring, installing, or equipping or reequipping school buildings for technology. | ||||||||
GENESEE COUNTY | Lake Fenton Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 3,783/4,244 | $68,250,000 | |
Erecting, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
GENESEE COUNTY | Swartz Creek Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 7,911/6,201 | $38,800,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping school support buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and acquiring, equipping, developing and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, sidewalks, driveways, parking areas and sites. | ||||||||
HOUGHTON COUNTY | Houghton-Portage Township Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs, Inc. | Passed | 1,820/1,790 | $23,000,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new early childhood center and an addition to the elementary school; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and acquiring, preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds and sites. | ||||||||
MACOMB COUNTY | L'Anse Creuse Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Partners in Architecture | Passed | 22,090/15,065 | $188,700,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; acquiring and installing instructional technology; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, and sites; and purchasing school buses. | ||||||||
MACOMB COUNTY | Van Dyke Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | SitelogIQ | Passed | 4,213/2,253 | $36,170,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including the community space at the Lincoln Campus; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; and preparing, developing, and improving the track, the football field, and sites. | ||||||||
MARQUETTE COUNTY | Gwinn Area Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs, Inc. | Failed | 2,082/2,458 | $30,925,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to the middle/high school building, including a secure entrance addition; partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re- equipping the middle/high school building; erecting a press box structure; and preparing, developing, and improving the site. | ||||||||
MIDLAND COUNTY | Coleman Community School District | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs, Inc. | Passed | 1,514/1,220 | $10,600,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the Coleman Junior/Senior High School building; acquiring, installing, and equipping or re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and purchasing school buses. | ||||||||
MONROE COUNTY | Airport Community School District | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Passed | 5,722/4,898 | $32,800,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the middle school building; remodeling the high school building; acquiring, installing, equipping, and re-equipping the middle school building for instructional technology; preparing, developing, and improving the site; and erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new student activity center and additions at the middle school building. | ||||||||
MUSKEGON COUNTY | Ravenna Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 1,524/1,634 | $10,980,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and furnishing and refurnishing Beechnau Elementary School; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping Beechnau Elementary School for instructional technology; and developing, improving and equipping playgrounds and the site. | ||||||||
OCEANA COUNTY | Pentwater Public School District | 11/05/2024 | 1 | TMP | Passed | 974/769 | $7,590,000 | |
Erecting a secure entrance addition to, remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping a school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for a school building; and developing and improving sidewalks, driveways, and a site. | ||||||||
ROSCOMMON COUNTY | Roscommon Area Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 2,764/3,387 | $12,800,000 | |
Remodeling, including safety improvements and re-roofing, of existing school buildings; and developing and improving athletic fields and facilities, driveways, sidewalks, and sites. | ||||||||
SAGINAW COUNTY | Bridgeport-Spaulding Community School District | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs, Inc. | Failed | 2,934/3,587 | $28,400,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping an addition to a school building; remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting a community recreation building; and equipping, developing, and improving a playground, an athletic field and an athletic facility, driveways, parking areas, and sites. | ||||||||
SAINT CLAIR COUNTY | Marysville Public Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | French | Failed | 3,603/3,853 | $18,500,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping, furnishing, reequipping and refurnishing school buildings and other facilities; and erecting a stadium entrance building at the High School athletic field and preparing, developing and improving sites at school buildings and other facilities. | ||||||||
SAINT CLAIR COUNTY | Memphis Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Partners in Architecture | Passed | 1,813/1,448 | $16,200,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping, and furnishing and refurnishing school buildings, including for school safety improvements; acquiring, installing, equipping, and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; purchasing school buses; and developing, improving, and equipping athletic fields and facilities and sites. | ||||||||
SAINT JOSEPH COUNT | White Pigeon Community Schools | 11/05/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 1,684/1,328 | $2,060,000 | |
Partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, equipping, and improving the stadium site. | ||||||||
WAYNE COUNTY | Crestwood School District | 11/05/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 5,571/4,366 | $121,000,000 | |
Erecting, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
ANTRIM COUNTY | Alba Public Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Anthony Essen | Failed | 185/196 | $3,250,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a secure entryway addition to the school building; partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the school building; and preparing, developing, and improving the school building site. | ||||||||
BERRIEN COUNTY | Eau Claire Public Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 328/338 | $7,800,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and furnishing and refurnishing school buildings; and acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology. | ||||||||
CHEBOYGAN COUNTY | Cheboygan Area Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | SitelogIQ | Passed | 2,432/1,808 | $22,220,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic facilities, playgrounds, and sites; and purchasing school buses. | ||||||||
HOUGHTON COUNTY | Adams Township School District | 08/06/2024 | 1 | UP Engineers & Architects | Passed | 220/157 | $5,900,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings; partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; relocating a greenhouse structure; and preparing, developing, and improving sites. | ||||||||
INGHAM COUNTY | Williamston Community Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 1,927/1,211 | $38,500,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings; and erecting, equipping, furnishing, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, and sites. | ||||||||
ISABELLA COUNTY | Shepherd Public School District | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 934/1,105 | $25,200,000 | |
Erecting, remodeling, equipping and re-equipping district owned school buildings, facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
LAPEER COUNTY | Almont Community Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | French | Failed | 929/1,531 | $22,680,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to the high school building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; and erecting, preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields, facilities and structures and sites. | ||||||||
LAPEER COUNTY | Almont Community Schools | 08/06/2024 | 2 | French | Failed | 905/1,551 | $10,050,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping an addition to the primary school building; remodeling school buildings; and preparing, developing and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and sites. | ||||||||
MONROE COUNTY | Whiteford Agricultural School District | 08/06/2024 | 1 | The Collaborative Inc | Failed | 435/800 | $9,600,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to Whiteford Elementary School; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping Whiteford Elementary School; acquiring, installing, equipping, and re-equipping Whiteford Elementary School for instructional technology; erecting, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping athletic support buildings and additions to athletic support buildings; and preparing, developing, improving, erecting, and equipping athletic fields and facilities, structures, and sites. | ||||||||
MONROE COUNTY | Whiteford Agricultural School District | 08/06/2024 | 2 | The Collaborative Inc | Failed | 309/935 | $400,000 | |
Preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields, including installing synthetic field turf for the baseball and softball fields. | ||||||||
MONTCALM COUNTY | Central Montcalm Public Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | GMB | Failed | 1,328/1,409 | $33,200,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to the middle/high school building, including an auditorium; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; erecting, furnishing, and equipping athletic support buildings; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping athletic fields and facilities, and sites. | ||||||||
NEWAYGO COUNTY | White Cloud Public Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Pure Architecture & Development | Failed | 777/783 | $28,400,000 | |
Erecting, completing, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
OAKLAND COUNTY | Avondale School District | 08/06/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 3,115/1,668 | $150,000,000 | |
Erecting, completing, equipping and furnishing a new early childhood center; erecting an addition to R. Grant Graham Elementary School and remodeling, equipping and reequipping, furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and additions, including for modernizing instructional, fine arts and theater spaces, playgrounds and other facilities and erecting, equipping and furnishing a transportation maintenance facility; acquiring, preparing, developing and improving sites for school buildings, including athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities and the purchase of school buses; acquiring and installing technology equipment and technology infrastructure, including for health, safety and security, in school buildings and other facilities. | ||||||||
OSCEOLA COUNTY | Pine River Area Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs, Inc. | Passed | 1,056/768 | $4,500,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping, and re-equipping school buildings, including for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning improvements; acquiring, installing, equipping, and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and developing, improving, and equipping athletic facilities and the middle/high school site, including a wastewater treatment system replacement. | ||||||||
OTTAWA COUNTY | Allendale Public School District | 08/06/2024 | 1 | TMP | Failed | 2,049/2,206 | $88,270,000 | |
Erecting additions to, including security improvements for, remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping a field house and school support buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and equipping, developing, and improving playgrounds, play fields, athletic fields and facilities, sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, and sites. | ||||||||
SAGINAW COUNTY | Chesaning Union Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 1,341/1,047 | $14,000,000 | |
Remodeling school buildings, including heating, ventilating, and air conditioning improvements and a pool facility; erecting an addition to a school support building; and developing and improving athletic fields and facilities, driveways, parking areas, sidewalks and sites. | ||||||||
WASHTENAW COUNTY | Whitmore Lake Public Schools | 08/06/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 1,112/1,479 | $53,500,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping an addition to a school building; remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and equipping, developing, and improving playgrounds, athletic fields, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, and sites. | ||||||||
ALLEGAN COUNTY | Plainwell Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | GMB | Failed | 1,133/1,368 | $42,405,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new early childhood center and additions to school buildings; remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; and erecting, equipping, furnishing, preparing, developing, and improving playgrounds, athletic facilities, and sites. | ||||||||
BERRIEN COUNTY | Coloma Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 809/981 | $12,480,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology; preparing, developing, and improving sites, including demolishing the North Building. | ||||||||
BERRIEN COUNTY | Coloma Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 2 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 803/984 | $11,900,000 | |
Equipping, preparing, developing, and improving sites, including demolishing the Alwood gymnasium and replacing the playground; erecting, equipping, and furnishing a new gymnasium to replace the Alwood gymnasium; remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including air conditioning in classrooms; and acquiring and installing instructional technology. | ||||||||
CALHOUN COUNTY | Harper Creek Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 470/805 | $24,000,000 | |
Erecting, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
CALHOUN COUNTY | Marshall Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 1,932/2,521 | $90,000,000 | |
Erecting a secure vestibule addition to Hughes Elementary School and adding air conditioning to Gordon Elementary School and Marshall Middle School; erecting additions to, and remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping an elementary school building and structures; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds, an FFA barn, athletic fields and facilities, and sites. | ||||||||
CHEBOYGAN COUNTY | Inland Lakes Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | C2AE | Passed | 992/532 | $15,100,000 | |
partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, equipping, and improving sites and the elementary school playground? | ||||||||
CHIPPEWA COUNTY | Rudyard Area Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs | Passed | 308/289 | $3,100,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to the school building, including for secure entryways; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the school building, including for school security; acquiring and installing instructional technology; and preparing, developing, and improving the site. | ||||||||
CLINTON COUNTY | St. Johns Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | GMB | Failed | 2,096/2,205 | $92,000,000 | |
remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping new school facilities; acquiring and installing instructional technology; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, parking areas, and sites; and purchasing school buses? | ||||||||
GENESEE COUNTY | Clio Area School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Integrated Design Solutions | Passed | 1,431/1,414 | $8,700,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including, among other improvements, the creation of a secure entryway at the Early Elementary School and renovations to the auditorium at the High School. | ||||||||
GENESEE COUNTY | Flushing Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Passed | 3,448/1,741 | $23,550,000 | |
• Remodeling, equipping, re-equipping, furnishing, re-furnishing school buildings, athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities; • Acquiring and installing technology equipment and technology infrastructure in school buildings and other facilities; • Erecting facilities and structures at the High School athletic fields; and • Preparing, developing and improving sites at school buildings, athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities? | ||||||||
INGHAM COUNTY | East Lansing School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Passed | 3,144/1,475 | $23,500,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping an addition to a school building; remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping a new administration building; and preparing, developing and improving sites. | ||||||||
INGHAM COUNTY | Holt Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | GMB | Passed | 2,598/2,462 | $22,000,000 | |
Acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping the high school for instructional technology; erecting, furnishing and equipping classroom additions to the middle school; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; replacing roofing and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing and improving athletic fields and sites. | ||||||||
IONIA COUNTY | Saranac Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 618/390 | $17,870,000 | |
Remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; purchasing school buses; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
IOSCO COUNTY | Oscoda Area Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | The Collaborative Inc | Passed | 1,466/869 | $20,800,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new community center building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the auditorium and existing school buildings; erecting an addition to an athletic support building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and developing, equipping, and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, parking areas and sites. | ||||||||
JACKSON COUNTY | East Jackson Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Diekema Hamann Architecture | Failed | 358/434 | $9,900,000 | |
Remodeling, including security improvements for, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and developing and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, parking areas, and sites. | ||||||||
KENT COUNTY | Kenowa Hills Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | GMB | Passed | 2,149/1,787 | $37,080,000 | |
Acquiring, erecting, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and acquiring, preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
KENT COUNTY | Lowell Area Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 2,254/1,516 | $104,150,000 | |
Erecting, completing, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, and additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, play fields, playgrounds, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
LEELANAU COUNTY | Suttons Bay Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Cornerstone Architechts | Passed | 776/628 | $18,340,000 | |
Erecting additions to, remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting a school support building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; and equipping, developing and improving playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, driveways and sites. | ||||||||
MACOMB COUNTY | L'Anse Creuse Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Partners in Architecture | Failed | 4,921/5,600 | $330,000,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; erecting, furnishing, and equipping new school facilities and additions to school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, and sites; acquiring sites; and purchasing school buses. | ||||||||
MACOMB COUNTY | New Haven Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 1,398/1,085 | $43,660,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; erecting and equipping a bus garage and an athletic concession building at the middle school; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, and sites. | ||||||||
MUSKEGON COUNTY | North Muskegon Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 474/635 | $5,600,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping athletic facilities; and preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and sites. | ||||||||
MUSKEGON COUNTY | Ravenna Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 640/764 | $10,000,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and furnishing and refurnishing the elementary school; and acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping the elementary school for instructional technology. | ||||||||
MUSKEGON COUNTY | Ravenna Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 2 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 510/890 | $6,100,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and structures; erecting, equipping and furnishing structures; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities and sites. | ||||||||
NEWAYGO COUNTY | Newaygo Public School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 955/563 | $22,300,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, including for school security; acquiring and installing instructional technology; and equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities and sites? | ||||||||
OAKLAND COUNTY | Hazel Park City School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Kingscott | Failed | 741/1,462 | $150,000,000 | |
Constructing, equipping and furnishing a new school building, erecting, furnishing, equipping and re-equipping an addition to and partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, equipping and re-equipping school facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping instructional technology for school facilities; constructing, equipping, developing and improving athletic facilities, playgrounds and play fields; and developing and improving sites. | ||||||||
OAKLAND COUNTY | Huron Valley Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | TMP | Passed | 5,406/4,886 | $361,300,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities for safety, security, and other purposes; erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new school building and additions to a school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology in school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, erecting, developing, improving, and equipping playfields, playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, structures, and sites. | ||||||||
OAKLAND COUNTY | Walled Lake Consolidated Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | TMP | Passed | 8,509/5,557 | $250,085,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping, re-equipping, furnishing, re-furnishing school buildings, athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities; erecting, completing, equipping and furnishing a replacement elementary school and an athletic field building; acquiring and installing instructional technology infrastructure and equipment in school buildings and other facilities; and preparing, developing and improving sites at school buildings, athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities and the purchase of school buses. | ||||||||
OCEANA COUNTY | Pentwater Public School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | TMP | Failed | 504/509 | $7,590,000 | |
Erecting an addition to, remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping a school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for a school building; and developing and improving a site. | ||||||||
OTTAWA COUNTY | Jenison Public Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | GMB | Passed | 3,533/2,013 | $117,000,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping school buildings and structures, including an upper elementary school, and additions to Jenison High School; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and structures, including for school security purposes; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; acquiring a site; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields and facilities, a playground, play fields and sites. | ||||||||
SAGINAW COUNTY | Freeland Community School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | French | Failed | 1,188/2,315 | $29,800,000 | |
Erecting, completing, remodeling, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings, additions to school buildings and facilities; furnishing and refurnishing school buildings and facilities; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping the Falcon Stadium complex, structures, facilities and sites. | ||||||||
SAINT JOSEPH COUNT | Mendon Community School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 298/182 | $20,050,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to the high school building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing and improving the high school site. | ||||||||
SAINT JOSEPH COUNT | White Pigeon Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 359/402 | $1,930,000 | |
Partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, equipping, and improving the stadium site. | ||||||||
SANILAC COUNTY | Carsonville-Port Sanilac School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | French | Passed | 360/173 | $7,100,000 | |
Erecting additions to, remodeling, including security improvements to, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and acquiring, equipping, developing, and improving playgrounds, athletic facilities, parking areas, driveways, and sites. | ||||||||
TUSCOLA COUNTY | Caro Community Schools | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs | Failed | 972/1,096 | $39,600,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing, and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings and facilities, including for school security; erecting, furnishing, and equipping a new bus garage and additions to school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, and sites; and purchasing school buses. | ||||||||
VAN BUREN COUNTY | Bloomingdale Public School District | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 400/363 | $17,000,000 | |
Partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, and improving sites. | ||||||||
VAN BUREN COUNTY | Bloomingdale Public School District | 05/07/2024 | 2 | Tower Pinkster | Failed | 293/462 | $15,400,000 | |
Partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to the elementary school building; relocating and partially remodeling the bus garage facility; and preparing, developing, equipping, and improving a playground and sites. | ||||||||
VAN BUREN COUNTY | Mattawan Consolidated School | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 2,670/1,476 | $92,000,000 | |
erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to school buildings, including the Middle School and High School buildings; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; erecting, furnishing, and equipping athletic facilities, including a multipurpose athletic fieldhouse; erecting, furnishing, and equipping a transportation/maintenance facility; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and athletic facilities, including a multipurpose athletic stadium, and sites? | ||||||||
VAN BUREN COUNTY | Mattawan Consolidated School | 05/07/2024 | 2 | Tower Pinkster | Passed | 2,546/1,583 | $18,000,000 | |
erecting, furnishing, and equipping an indoor aquatics facility; preparing, developing, and improving the site; and purchasing school buses? | ||||||||
WAYNE COUNTY | Lincoln Park,School District of the City of | 05/07/2024 | 1 | Integrated Design Solutions | Passed | 1,519/861 | $58,000,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping, furnishing, reequipping and refurnishing school buildings and other facilities; erecting, completing, equipping and furnishing classroom, media center, secure entryway and other additions to school buildings and athletic field buildings; acquiring and installing technology infrastructure and equipment in school buildings; and preparing, developing and improving sites at school buildings and other facilities. | ||||||||
CHARLEVOIX COUNTY | Boyne Falls Public School District | 02/27/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs | Failed | 183/309 | $11,950,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing, and equipping additions to and remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping the school building; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping the site. | ||||||||
GLADWIN COUNTY | Gladwin Community Schools | 02/27/2024 | 1 | Integrated Designs | Failed | 1,340/1,724 | $16,200,000 | |
Remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and re-equipping a school building; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for a school building; and developing and improving playgrounds, parking areas, and sites. | ||||||||
LAPEER COUNTY | Almont Community Schools | 02/27/2024 | 1 | French | Failed | 673/1,989 | $58,400,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping a new multi-purpose building; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; and preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields and sites. | ||||||||
MIDLAND COUNTY | Bullock Creek School District | 02/27/2024 | 1 | THA | Passed | 1,186/984 | $22,790,000 | |
Erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to school buildings; remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing and equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; purchasing school buses; erecting and equipping structures; and acquiring, preparing, developing, improving and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields and sites. | ||||||||
TUSCOLA COUNTY | Vassar Public Schools | 02/27/2024 | 1 | TSSF Architects, Inc. | Failed | 712/1,058 | $6,100,000 | |
Remodeling, equipping and re-equipping school buildings; acquiring and installing instructional technology and instructional technology equipment for school buildings; purchasing school buses; and developing and improving a playground, athletic fields and facilities, driveways, parking areas and sites. | |||||||| Home
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